Sunday, June 29, 2008

Google AdSense. How to starts!

Google Adsense, as we all know, is a program which can give us (as a website publisher) revenue from each page of our website. just by adding advertises that generate automatically relevant from Google.

AdSense sends relevant texts and images ads that targeted to our site and our site's contents. for example, if our site content is about Cars, then the ads will show about cars and things that relevant to it.

Now, what if we want to join this program, does it takes some money to join? the answer is, "Absolutely free!". Of course there are few things you have to prepare before you can join this program. One of them is a website, but, don't worry!!, build a website is as easy as flipping your hand. we can always use blogs!

If you are someone who's new to this kind of program, maybe this steps will help you to join Google AdSense. in these steps I'll use Gmail and Blogger as the publisher website.

You must create an email account. if you already had an email account, you can skip these step! But my suggestion, bulid an email account in Gmail if your previous email were not. You can create the account here. If your primary language is not english, please select english as your primary language in the account.

Once your email account is active, next, you need to create a website, like I said above, we can use a blog. in this case we can use
creating a blog in is as easy as 1, 2, and 3. just follow the steps and in less then five minutes you'll have your own blog (site). Don't forget, you must decide your focus of your blog (e.g articles, automotive, selebrities). If your primary language is not english, please select english as your primary language in the account.

I've had my own blog now, what shuold I do next?
Of course you can leave your blog empty without any contents. next step is fill your blog with contents that relevant to your blogs focus. fill your blog at least ten contents (posting) as a start. remember use english in your contents, why? because Google AdSense only accept site that its primary language is supported by Google Adsense. And English is well supported. Also you can reach a wider range of visitors.

Now this is it...
This is the most important step. We will propose an AdSense Account to Google. But first, you must ensure your blog is well ready with contents that relevant to your blogs theme.
Allright, if you are sure it's ready, you can join Google AdSense here. Fill the form and follow the registration step-by-step. You may need to fill your email address and your blogs URL.

Wait for approval from Google in 1-2 days. It will sent to your email. In the meanwhile, is not a bad thing if you pray for the approval ;-).

That's it!! I hope this articles is usefull.

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